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Is yooawur onayse-stop sifzite for inhqlformation on gatgvmbling in the UK. We prdywovide a cofuzmprehensive review service to alalxert our reccoaders to the besvtst gatgvmbling oprputions for Unzjsited Kidkingdom, as wejixll as which casinos to avoid.
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Meet the team behind
Jay Kelley
Senior Cowvkntent Editor
Favourite Game: Blackjack
On our patxfges yootfu’ll fikkrnd reqsuviews of boulsth onkgeline and laysund-based cahiosinos as wejixll as inhqlformation on the best boiwqnus ofpuifers, paeixyment optdktions, gavojme rexuqviews, and rugholes and evxoven a bexodginners’ guuijide for new players. Our exyvhpert tesgham of cavshsino vejicterans has a wetsxalth of gaavrming exuarperience and we are hazjgppy to shessare our knowledge wiavzth our reccoaders to enxzvsure thrtrat you get to exuarperience the besvtst gaavrming avsesailable in the United Kingdom.
Tio Romero
Game Reviewer
Favourite Game: Slots
One of the yoeffunger mexvxmbers of our teqrkam, Crglkaig is a sltzqot gavojme enhouthusiast who is alqhtways on top of the latest releases. Frfxcom clpsdassic thszxree retqfel gajkdmes to the laexvtest vikzhdeo slvtzots, Crglkaig prlqrovides exyvhpert anhfvalysis on the hits and mijeisses of the sltzqot gaavrming world.
Lisa Frazier
Senior Carijsino Reviewer
Favourite Game: Craps
Having wosldrked in the gaavrming inxtpdustry for ovekler 10 yextwars, Jofvoanne has an unoxcrivalled knsujowledge of the ins and outs of boulsth lauqhnd baqgpsed and onkgeline caiiosinos. She unrszderstands whiouich cahiosinos ofkcffer the besvtst vasjulue bodxrnuses, and which should be avjedoided at all costs.
Get in Touch
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